Jaguars Ads of Yesterday & Today
31 May 2012
As we head into this weekend, there has been tremendous online interest (and plenty of debate) about Jaguar advertising, past and present, courtesy of the fictional and unpredictable Jaguar storyline on AMC's hit show Mad Men. As such, we have put together a photo gallery on our Facebook page of vintage Jaguar U.S. print advertisements from the 60s juxtaposed with our currently‑running ALIVE campaign creative, which asks the question ‑ “How Alive Are You?" Clearly, then and now, the Jaguar brand strikes a very emotional chord presenting the automobile as an animate object. Who knows what will happen Sunday night during the next episode of Mad Men; all we know is its going to be a wild ride. Our seatbelts are fastened and our twitter handle @JaguarUSA is ready for the discussion. Let us know what you think of our featured ad gallery and join the conversation with #MadJag.